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Post-16 Information

Post-16 Options Booklet and Support for Students in Year 10/11

As you will no doubt be aware, this year your son/daughter is not only working towards their vital GCSE and BTEC qualifications but are also busy planning the next steps in their career journey, as they look towards moving on to Post-16 destinations such as Sixth Form, College, or an Apprenticeship.

To support both our students and you as parents and carers with this process, we have set up a structured programme to guide you and your son/daughter through the process, including the attached guide.

Download this file (Post_16_Guidance.pdf)Post_16_Guidance.pdf

This guide contains key information to help support your son/daughter in making the right decision about their Post-16 education, including the different opportunities available after Year 11, such as Sixth Form, College, Apprenticeships and Traineeships, as well as important information about student finance, entry requirements, the application process, and links to other useful websites. Alongside the booklet, we will also be offering the following support to students in Year 11 and their parents/carers this academic year.

Tutor Time (throughout the year)

Mr Young (Assistant Head – Achievement), Mrs Matthews (Progress Leader for Year 11), Mr Hallam (Careers Leader) the Year 11 Tutor Team and Year 11 Citizenship teachers will all be on hand to support students with their Post-16 applications, including help with searching for specific courses and apprenticeship opportunities, checking personal statements and producing academic and personal references. All students’ Post-16 intentions are tracked so that bespoke support and correspondence can be targeted as it becomes available, including independent advice from our Ideas4Careers advisors.

Citizenship Lessons (throughout the Autumn Term)

All Citizenship lessons in the autumn term are focused on Careers and Post-16 routes. Students look at qualification levels and eligibility for courses as well as applications, personal statements and CV’s, interview techniques and progression routes.

Some students may also apply for apprenticeships through specialist websites, which can be found in the attached Post-16 Information Booklet. Those students seeking an apprenticeship should ensure that they also apply to college or sixth form as a back-up, as competition can be fierce.

Students can submit as many applications to different Post-16 providers as they like and will manage their offers later in the year, and hopefully accept a place at a sixth form, college, or a training provider for the following September, pending GCSE results.

Open Days/Evenings

An important factor for your son/daughter in making decisions about their Post-16 education will be what they think of the learning environment of sixth forms, colleges, or training providers. To support them with this, we recommend attending Open Days/Evenings that Post-16 providers put on for students and parents/carers in Year 11 during the academic year. More information can be found on the provider websites.

Students - please continue to let Mr Young, Mrs Matthews and Mr Hallam know of applications submitted and offers received. Please also keep them informed of any changes of intentions for next year so that they can support you with relevant advice and information. Please do not hesitate to ask for help and support should you need it – you are making important decisions about your future.

If you have any questions at all regarding any of the information above or anything related to Post-16 progression, please contact Mr Young, Mrs Matthews or Mr Hallam, using the school phone number or email us at:

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