Curriculum Accessibility for students with SEND needs and disabilities
At Alderman White School we take a personalised approach to meeting the SEND needs of our students. The information below indicates some of the strategies and interventions we use to ensure that students with SEND needs and disabilities can access our curriculum. Wherever possible, students are supported to access a full mainstream timetable. This includes additional support or intervention in mainstream classrooms but also interventions in small groups or out of the classroom to accelerate skill development and support reintegration into the classroom. This is not an exhaustive list and interventions are regularly reviewed and amended in discussion with parents / carers and students.
All of our students with SEND needs are supported by a student profile which indicates to staff their strengths and any adjustments that will support them within mainstream lessons. Students will have a keyworker who may be their form tutor or a member of our support team.
For students with Cognition and Learning Needs:
- Personalised inclusive in-class adjustments including, but not limited to: chunking down information, verbal and written prompts, printed or electronic desk copies of information from the board, extra time or reduced demands (e.g. alternate questions), shared reader support, scaffolds and writing frames, alternative methods of recording information, differentiated tasks, regular check ins by teachers, use of ICT to reduce barriers to accessing texts, peer mentoring, regular praise.
- Assessment for appropriate exam access arrangements.
- Dyslexia portfolio to screen for literacy difficulties and inform teachers of strengths and needs via a student profile.
- Rapid Reading literacy intervention in Y7 and 8.
- TA reader support in Y7/8 library lessons.
- Use of coloured overlays and coloured papers.
- Text Help read and write software is available to all our students. This is a reading and dictation software programme and can also be used for KS4 exams.
- Reading pens.
- Entry Level Certificate Maths delivered in a small group as a step up to developing basic skills in preparation for GCSE.
- Step up to English small group intervention to develop student’s literacy skills in preparation for GCSE.
- Appropriate exam access arrangements including but not limited to a reader, extra time, use of word processor or scribe etc.
For students with Communication & Interaction Needs:
- Personalised inclusive in class adjustments including, but not limited to: chunking down information, verbal and written prompts, printed or electronic desk copies of information from the board, regular check ins by teachers, extra time for processing information, extra time or reduced demands (e.g. alternate questions), scaffolds and frames for writing, choice of task, use of ICT to reduce barriers to learning, movement/sensory breaks to aid concentration, suitable seating position in class, alternative ways of seeking support e.g. red/green disc to display, peer mentoring, regular praise.
- Assessment for appropriate exam access arrangements.
- Access to calm space (HAVEN) and sensory area.
- 1:1 understanding Autism intervention.
- 1:1 or small group understanding relationships / healthy relationships intervention.
- Sensory feedback activities and recommended OT programmes.
- Wobble cushions, writing slopes and other relevant equipment to support in class learning.
For students with Social Emotional & Mental Health Needs:
- Personalised inclusive in-class adjustments including, but not limited to: verbal and written prompts, extra time for processing information, extra time or reduced demands (e.g. alternate questions), shorter tasks and rest breaks/time out, regular check ins by teachers, suitable seating position in class, alternative ways of seeking support (e.g. red/green disc to display), printed or electronic desk copies of information from the board, use of ICT to reduce barriers to learning, movement breaks to aid concentration, peer mentoring, regular praise.
- Assessment for appropriate exam access arrangements.
- An emotion coaching approach by support staff.
- Emotional literacy intervention delivered by a trained ELSA.
- Comic Strip conversations as reflection.
- 1:1 or small group social skills programmes.
- Anger management intervention.
- Trained mental health first aider to deliver appropriate anxiety management intervention.
- Confidential School counsellor intervention.
For students with Sensory, Medical and Physical Needs:
- Personalised inclusive in-class adjustments including, but not limited to, extra time or reduced demands (e.g. alternate questions), rest breaks as appropriate, regular check ins by teachers, printed or electronic desk copies of information from the board, use of ICT and other equipment to reduce barriers to learning, alternative methods of recording, task adjustments, peer mentoring, regular praise.
- Assessment for appropriate exam access arrangements.
- Practical assistant support in class.
- Touch typing intervention to support students to type effectively in lessons.
- Access to appropriate magnifying equipment and adjusted font size both electronically and on paper to enable students with visual impairments to access mainstream lessons.
- Staff trained in the use of radio aids/multi mics to enable access to all lessons for students with hearing difficulties.
- Adjustments to seating arrangements in class to enable students with physical difficulties to access mainstream lessons.
- Accessible wash/dry toileting facilities.
- Appropriate OT recommended interventions and exercise.
- Safe spaces for efficient administration of relevant medicines for a variety of conditions to ensure students can remain in school.
- Wobble cushions, writing slopes and other relevant equipment to support in class learning.
- Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs).