Youth Chinese Test
What is YCT (Youth Chinese Test)?
The new YCT test was launched by Hanban in an effort to encourage young students from other countries to learn Chinese and improve their Chinese language proficiency.
Click for full introduction of New YCT (in English)
Why take the YCT test?
When you are learning a second language it is good to know how you are progressing and what to aim for. The YCT test is a standardized assessment-scheme which is widely recognized. Students who pass the test receive a certificate as record of their achievement. YCT is specially designed by Hanban for students under 17 who are learning Mandarin as their second language. It helps students to assess and improve their proficiency in Mandarin. It also helps Chinese language training institutions evaluate their teaching.
The students who want to register for the CCAWS China Summer/Winter Camp must have an YCT certificate.
Who can apply?
Any student under 17 whose first language is not Mandarin can register for YCT, no matter if you study with CCAWS or not.
CCAWS students will recieive a BONUS if they achieve the highest score (within the CCAWS students) in one test.
How much is the fee?
Examination fee for the written test:
Level | YCT 1 | YCT 2 | YCT 3 | YCT 4 |
Fee | £5 | £10 | £20 | £25 |
Examination fee for the oral test: £10
How to register for the YCT exam?
- Please pay online
- Please click here for a registration form.
- Please return the registration form as well as a digital photo.