School Uniform & Equipment

We want all of our students to feel a sense of pride and solidarity in being part of our school community. Complying with our uniform expectations is a public expression of support for our school INSPIRE values and indicates a readiness to work hard and make progress together.

All uniform items should be practical for school, reflect the requirements of “professional workwear” and not be overly short or tight.

There are only 3 items required with a school or Trust logo/ design:

  1. WHP Trust blazer
  2. Alderman White tie
  3. WHP Trust PE t-shirt

These items can be purchased from Morleys ( or Big Fish Schoolwear. (See below for full supplier details).  All other items required for school can be purchased from a provider of your choice. We aim to provide regular opportunities to purchase pre-loved uniform items. Please contact the school office if you require access to pre-loved uniform outside of these times.

All students in Years 7-11 should wear the following items:

  • WHP Trust School Blazer | Available from Morleys or Big Fish Schoolwear. Blazers must be worn at all times unless permission is given to remove them due to warm weather or temperatures, or for health and safety reasons in some lessons.
  • Alderman White School Tie | Available from Morleys or Big Fish Schoolwear.  Our school ties are clip-on for ease of use and to ensure consistency in appearance. Ties that are not clip-on are available for purchase from School Reception where this is student / parent preference. Parents who choose this option must ensure that their child wears their tie neatly and correctly tied. 
  • Shirt | Plain white school shirt (long or short sleeved) with the top button done up. Capped sleeves or sleeveless shirts/blouses are not permitted. The shirt must be fully tucked in to the waistband of the skirt/trousers.
  • Skirt | Plain black pleated skirt of a suitable length. The skirt must not be rolled up at the waistband. Please note that tube or elastane skirts are not permitted.
  • Trousers | Plain black standard style school trousers worn at the waist. Skin tight, stretchy material (including leggings underneath skirts) and cropped trousers are not permitted. It is not permitted to wear tracksuit/jogging bottoms underneath school trousers.
  • Shorts | Plain black and in standard school trouser material.

Uniform trousers Uniform skirt Uniform shorts

  • Plain black or white socks or plain black or neutral tights | Trainer socks, footless tights or leggings are not permitted.
  • Shoes or Ankle Boots | Black sensible, practical and safe leather type school shoes or ankle boots. Flat or with low heels only. Knee length boots, trainers, sandals, canvas, suede, plimsolls, or branded footwear are not acceptable (even if black in colour). Ankle boots must be worn under trouser legs if worn with trousers.

uniform shoes

  • Coats | A sensible waterproof coat in a single colour or simple pattern with no significant lettering or large logos is required. Coats must fit over the blazer and are not an alternative to it.


Optional Items:

Jumper or cardigan | (Optional and can be worn in addition to blazer) Black, v neck, plain (or embroidered with the Alderman White School logo). Sweatshirts are not permitted.

Headscarves worn for religious or cultural reasons should be black or dark blue.

Hats may be worn outside for warmth in winter and protection from the sun, especially in the summer. Hats and coat hoods may not be worn inside. Baseball caps are not allowed on site.

All school items must be labelled with your child’s name.


PE Uniform Expectations

Uniform pe top

  • WHP Trust short sleeve sports top
  • Plain black (or WHP Trust) shorts and black football socks or tracksuit bottoms or sports leggings. Small logos are permitted.
  • Sports Trainers
  • A plain black fleece without a hood (or WHP ¼ zip tracksuit top)


  • Plain black (or WHP) Base Layer in colder weather

Additional items for contact sports:

  • football boots: recommended for rugby and football PE lessons; required for football and rugby after school club and fixtures
  • shin pads: recommended for football PE lessons; required for football and rugby after school club and fixtures
  • gum shield: required for rugby after school club and fixtures (not required for PE lessons)


Students are expected to wear full school uniform to and from school on days that they have PE. They should bring their PE kit to school with them and use the changing facilities for PE lessons.

Items that are not allowed in school

Hoodies may not be brought into school.

Fashion jackets, sports tops, leather coats/jackets and denim jackets are not permitted.

Make-up, Hair and Jewellery

We discourage students from wearing jewellery in school, especially items of financial or sentimental value that cannot be replaced. School cannot take responsibility or liability for any items of jewellery brought to school and time cannot be spent searching for items that have gone missing.

Students will be required to remove all jewellery for PE lessons in line with guidance. This will need to be left in the student’s bag or locker, and we strongly advise that jewellery is not worn on days when students have PE. Students may be required to remove some or all jewellery for other practical lessons and activities in line with health and safety guidance.

Students may wear a maximum of:

  • 2 small stud or plain sleeper earrings in each ear
  • One small plain ring on each hand
  • One thin bracelet or band
  • One small pin badge on their blazer that is in keeping with our school values

A thin necklace or chain may be worn for religious or sentimental reasons under the school shirt but this should not be seen in school.

Students may wear a clear plastic piercing retainer in the side of one nostril. Students may not wear any other piercings, and facial piercings are not allowed in school.

An analogue or digital watch may be worn. Smart watches and other electronic devices (fitbits etc) must not be seen or heard in school.

All jewellery must be in keeping with the school values and ethos.

While there are no legal age limits for piercings in England, most reputable piercers will have age limits and requirements for parental permission. We strongly discourage students from having body, tongue and mouth piercings while they are still at school. Any piercings other than those described above may not be worn in school. Any student arriving at school with a piercing that does not comply with our policy will be isolated until the piercing has been removed. This rule applies until the end of Year 11. If you are in any doubt about what will or will not be allowed, we suggest discussing it with a member of staff before having the piercing.

Students must not wear any noticeable make up.

Gel nails, nail extensions and nail varnish are not permitted in school and will have to be removed before your child attends lessons.

Hairstyles should not be extreme – no tram lines or shaved patterns. Hair colour should be within the natural range. We recognise that students have a range of natural hair colours and types and we are proactive in ensuring that our policy towards hair styles is inclusive and non-discriminatory.

The legal age limit for having a tattoo in the UK is 18. We will follow a safeguarding  process if we become aware of anyone under this age with a permanent tattoo.

It is our intention that our uniform requirements are inclusive and comply with the requirements of the Equality Act 2010. Please contact Mrs Holling with any questions relating to cultural or religious requirements.


Our uniform and PE kit suppliers:

Morleys Schoolwear
116-118 Bramcote Avenue, Chilwell, NG9 4DR
Tel: 0115 925 8046

Big Fish School Wear
Web username: Alderman
Web password: AW123


Non-Compliance Policy

Items that are not allowed in school will be confiscated and returned at the end of the school day.

Students may not be able to attend lessons until they are in correct uniform. We will always try to resolve any issues as quickly as possible by asking parents to bring the missing item into school or loaning a clean replacement item.


Property and Personal Equipment

Your child must have the following equipment with them in school every day (all items as far as possible should be clearly labelled or marked):

  • A fully charged Chromebook

A pencil case or tin containing:

  • At least 2 black/blue pens (more is fine)
  • 2 green pens
  • Pencil and sharpener
  • Ruler (preferably 30 cm)
  • Rubber
  • Glue stick
  • Coloured pens or pencils
  • School compliant scientific calculator (can be purchased from school for £8.50 if not already owned) – details of how to order remotely are available from the school reception.

The following equipment will be provided by school and your child must take it with them to every lesson:

  • Reading book - these will be borrowed from the school library
  • Mini whiteboard and pen
  • School planner – these will be provided to Year 7 and 8 students and can be purchased from reception is required by students in Year 9-11.

School Bag
A suitable school bag large enough to contain the equipment above as well as schoolbooks / folders / additional equipment when these are required to be taken home.

If you require support with providing uniform or equipment please contact your Progress Leader via the email address below…

Year 7 -  Mrs Ferris: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Year 8 - Mr Foster: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Year 9 -  Mr Palmer: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Year 10 - Mr Allsopp: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Year 11 - Ms Friend: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Food Technology Ingredients (on the days where required)
You will be notified of this via stickers in planners / recipe sheets which will also be available on the Google Classroom as assignments.

Lockers are available to all students on request.

Payment System
Payments for all items, including school lunches, should be paid for on the 'My Child at School' (MCAS) app. If you need to pay in cash, please avoid sending large sums of money to school unless for a specific reason (for example paying for a trip), although this can be avoided by using PayPoint to pay into the MCAS system. Any money that is brought in should be stored securely about the person and not left unattended in bags or coat pockets.

Liability and Insurance
The school cannot be responsible for personal equipment , although naturally, we try hard to create a safe environment. Students should not bring in valuables, for example, mobile phones, iPods, iPads, or electric games into school. We cannot be held responsible for any of these items in the event of loss or breakage.
It is very sensible if all possessions are clearly marked with the owner’s name. This makes the task of searching for lost property much easier.