
Clubs, Activities and Trips

enrichmentPlease find timetables of extra curricular activities and enrichment opportunities we offer in and out of school attached below. We have a large enrichment timetable with a variety of different clubs, activities and opportunities for all students, and so it can usually take a few weeks at the start of a new term before we publish an updated list. Always ensure your child checks with a member of staff before attending.

As part of our enrichment programme we run a large range of residential trips and overseas trips - please see overview of more significant and repeated trips attached below. Most trips run annually and some are specific to particular year groups and GCSE options. We offer two overnight experiences in Year 7 and 8 (see more on the Outdoor Learning page). In addition, students have the opportunity to complete the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award in Year 9 and Silver Award in Year 10/11, both of which include an expedition. Our aim is to ensure that all pupils are able to build valuable memories and skills by attending a variety of trips during their time at Alderman White School.

Virtual Enrichment

Extra-curricular music and performance is a huge part of what we do at Alderman White, so we thought we would create a platform to bring it to a wider audience.

Our Virtual Enrichment YouTube channel is now live showcasing the best of our talent.  Featuring clips from school productions, cabarets, swing band, choir, and well over 100 of our students, and you can see highlights from some of the shows and recordings students have made at home.  

video 15px Alderman White School on YouTube


Outdoor Learning

To find out more about what Alderman White has to offer in outdoor learning, visit the new outdoor learning website! Where you can find information pages about the outdoor groups and residential trips that we run.


The Duke of Edinburgh's Award

 DofE Full logo gunmetal RGB 

dofeWhat is the Duke of Edinburgh's (DofE) Award?
The DofE is an accredited programme of challenges. It aims to provide an enjoyable, challenging and rewarding programme of personal development for young people, which is of the highest quality and widest reach. Find out more at http://www.dofe.org/

Who can do it?
The Bronze award is open to students in Year 9, and the Silver award is open to students in Year 10.

What does it cost?
There will be a financial commitment to cover the costs of our expedition providers. For 2025, the cost of the expeditions are £245 for the Bronze award and £480 for the Silver award. Upon signing up for an award you will be asked for a £50 deposit. This not only secures a place but a portion of this money will be used to buy your child’s Welcome Pack from the DofE charity, which includes your DofE Participation Place. Any remaining balances can be paid in instalments throughout the year.

If the student qualifies for FSM6 (Free School Meals), the Bronze award total cost is £145 and the Silver award total cost is £330. Upon signing up for an award you will be asked for a £20 deposit. 

We have done a great deal of fundraising and have been fortunate enough to secure some substantial funding from various charities across Nottinghamshire over this past year. This has enabled our school to invest in our own pool of equipment that we can lend out to students. This further reduces the overall cost to you as we no longer have to hire it.

Why should I do it?
There is a lot of scope in the programme for you to get credit for doing activities that you already enjoy. If you’re applying for university, college or even a job being able to add a DofE award to your CV/UCAS form will help.

Completing a DofE award really helps to broaden your horizons. During the course of a programme you’ll meet new people, experience new surroundings, improve your fitness and get to try new activities. Above all else, it’s fun!

What’s involved?
Whatever level of award you’re doing you’ll create your own personal programme with the help of your Leader- you just have to choose one activity for each section. It’s up to you what you do for each one, so you can choose something that you’re really into or keen to have a go at. It’s all about setting yourself a challenge and feeling great when you achieve it!

  • Volunteering: This is your chance to make a real difference by helping someone, your community, the environment or an organisation. From being a Listener for the Samaritans or raising money for a cancer charity to helping out at an animal shelter or cleaning up after T-in-the-park- it’s your chance to help others.
  • Physical: You can choose any sport, dance or fitness activity to get fitter, keep fit and get better at it! You could play for your local football team or learn to dance or take up something a little more unusual like octopushing or free running –it’s up to you- just choose something you’ll enjoy!
  • Skills: Is there something you’ve always wanted to try or do you want to get better at your favourite hobby? Do it for your Skills section and get credit for it! Play the guitar, learn to drive, gain circus skills or even grow cacti - the sky’s the limit when it comes to skills.
  • Expedition: Highs, lows, great laughs, amazing memories- you’ll experience it all as you plan, train for and complete an adventurous journey in the UK or abroad. You could find yourselves climbing, cycling, horse riding or walking - who knows where your expedition will take you!

How can I find out more?
If you would like further information on the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award please contact our Duke of Edinburgh’s award co-ordinators Sam Orchard-Robson or Andrea McLoughlin on 0115 9170424 or alternatively by e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.