Local Governing Body

The Local Governing Body (LGB) of Alderman White School meets at least 3 times a year to assure the highest quality provision, safeguarding and equality of opportunity for all pupils, and effective support and management of staff. Through formal reviews the LGB robustly considers school performance.

The LGB considers:members directors

  • Self-evaluation against current OFSTED criteria and the School Development Plan
  • Monitoring activities undertaken by the Trust
  • Local and contextualised issues
  • Direction from the Trust Board

Members of the LGB

Last updated: 26th February 2025

Sue Headland (Chair - Co-opted)

Richard Moulds (Vice Chair - Co-opted)

Richard Bateman (Teacher)

Caroline Hird (Co-opted)

Kate Skey (Co-opted)

Jane Berry (Co-opted)

Neil Calder (Co-opted)

Jim Yates (Parent Governor)

Sarah Waldram (Parent Governor) 

Contacting the LGB

The Local Governing Body can be contacted either in writing at the following address:

Chair of the Local Governing Body
c/o Alderman White School
Chilwell Lane

or via email using the school's main email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Please include 'FAO: Chair of LGB' in the subject