


We believe that the students at Alderman White School deserve a broad, balanced and ambitious Science curriculum, rich in skills and knowledge. Throughout their science education, students learn to recognise the power of rational explanation and we strive to ignite curiosity to develop a sense of excitement about natural phenomena. Our curriculum supports students to become scientifically literate participants in society encouraging them to question socio-scientific matters and make informed decisions supported by current evidence. Our students will be prepared for future learning or employment by ensuring our curriculum provides a platform for more advanced science-based study, providing a gateway into a wide range of career opportunities.

Our Science curriculum will give students the opportunity to:

  • Develop practical skills by working scientifically;
  • Articulate scientific concepts clearly and precisely;
  • Remedy misconceptions;
  • Understand the nature, processes and methods of Science;
  • Develop logical thinking and problem-solving skills
  • Develop analytical skills to scrutinise data presented in any format to draw out meaning by ensuring students are able to critically analyse and evaluate data, stories and phenomena in everyday situations
  • Challenge received wisdom by considering new evidence and ideas;
  • Combine basic Maths and English skills in context to help students develop their application skills
  • See connections between subject areas and become aware of the big ideas underpinning scientific knowledge and understanding;
  • Develop logical thinking and problem-solving skills
  • Learn how to be safe and evaluate risks in everyday life and in particular scientific contexts
  • Develop learning skills and independence so they can go on to be life-long learners

Both KS3 and KS4 Science incorporate a wide range of Biology, Chemistry and Physics topics. We follow the content set out by the National Curriculum and the order we have chosen to teach the content in is closely linked to the BEST curriculum maps, designed using research-based evidence. We make use of both AQA KS3 resources and NC 2000 units plans. Our practice incorporates spaced learning backed up by continual and consistent long-term retrieval practice within both lessons and assessments.

Students have 8 lessons a fortnight in Year 7 to 9. After Easter of Year 9 students move on to study GCSE content by exploring the links between the Topic of Energy in all 3 disciplines.

During Key Stage Four students have 6 double lessons per fortnight (2 x Biology, 2 x Chemistry and 2 x Physics) if they follow the AQA Trilogy Combined route. Triple Science students have 1 extra double lesson per fortnight for each science discipline. The route followed is determined by individual student specialism choices.


Our schemes of learning incorporate a wide variety of assessment opportunities to ensure the following criteria are implemented throughout both KS3 and KS4.

  • Delivering high quality lessons which allow students to access new ideas about a wide variety of Biology, Chemistry and Physics topics which closely follows the NC.
  • Delivering lessons which stretch and challenge the most able students yet support those who may find some content challenging by use of strong differentiation.
  • Ensuring retrieval of information is a key feature of lessons and spaced learning is built into schemes of learning and assessments.
  • Disciplinary literacy aimed at developing scientific vocabulary which supports KS4 exam literacy.
  • Developing metacognition skills to build independent learners.
  • Modelling problem solving techniques and producing scaffolds to build complexity.
  • Ensuring the cognitive load is manageable by using knowledge organisers as a key resource for homework and revision.
  • Providing ample opportunities to practise and develop practical skills consistently and continually.
  • Use of real-world examples within lessons and home learning to make links between the classroom and wider world explicit.
  • Discussion of career opportunities.
  • Continued development of IT use to deliver face-to-face lessons and remote delivery.
  • Developing relationships with primary colleagues to establish baseline expectations in order to build knowledge from a firm base.
  • Drawing on knowledge from feeder primary schools and developing links to plan for effective transition.


Our learners will develop a solid knowledge and skills base to allow success at KS4 whilst enabling them to make links between the broader context of Science and the wider world.

  • Smooth transition between KS2 and KS4
  • Students will be able to build links within and between topics.
  • Students will develop strong literacy and numeracy skills which can be applied whole school.
  • Students will have a firm knowledge base to build on allowing rapid progress between Key Stages.
  • Students will be able to establish the importance of scientific concepts in the wider world and explore career pathways with science as an essential element.